A comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about Capers.

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From the hot Mediterranean coastal climates to the deserts of the Middle East and onwards to the dry parts of North West China, capers have flourished and thrived on very bright sunlight and high temperatures.

They have adapted, survived and provided a spicy flower bud (the caper), and delicious fruit (the caperberry) for our table. In a declining water environment, caper plants are easy to grow and enjoy.

Freshly Picked Capers


Time lapse image of caper flower opening.

Australian Capers

There are 19 known Australian Capparis species. They have very attractive flowers in which artists and photographers have delighted. Some have edible fruits, some possess medicinal properties and others have potential for the horticulture industry. Photograph of the flower buds of Capparis arborea.

About Capers

Learn all about the Caper plant or Caper Bush. Everything from how to grow and harvest Capers to preserving and cooking with capers.

About Us

Caperplants is a wholesale nursery growing caper plants. It is based in Adelaide South Australia, and is owned and operated by Brian Noone.

Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery of Caper production throughout Australia and the World.


Buy Caper Plants Online. Superior Thornless Eureka Caper Bush. Purchase a copy of our book to learn everything there is to know about Capers.

Eureka Caper

The ‘Eureka’ Caper plant is a thornless bush, it produces more capers in weight each time it is harvested and it begins to shoot and grow earlier in the spring than other bushes. It continues to flower and leaves stay green longer into the autumn and winter and it truly is a special and superior caper plant.

Gardening Australia Feature